Grounded, a Blistering Drama Pulsating with a Raw Intensity
The Singapore Theatre Company (formerly Singapore Repertory Theatre) is staging an electrifying drama with a powerful, ambitious female character.
Grounded, an award-winning monologue by George Brant, is about an elite female fighter pilot whose career in the blue skies gets halted due to her unexpected pregnancy. The show addresses the sophistication and complexities of modern warfare but at the heart of it, underscores a woman’s multiple roles and responsibilities women play in society and the challenges as a working mother. Performed by Singaporean actress Oon Shu An, this is a show of resilience that will leave the audience at the edge of their seat.
Hailed as a "scorching sharp-eyed, timely script" by Time Out New York, Grounded delves into themes highly relevant to today's world, including women's ambition and their navigation of motherhood.
For supporting women leaders and causes, Primetime members will have a 15% discount to Grounded for 12th and 13th of March.
Sign up via this link:
Singapore Theatre Company offers the same incentives to PrimeTime members for two other shows running in April and May;
Taha is such a beautiful soulful show that really inspires peace and love and highly relevant for diversity and inclusion discussions today.
Paradise or the Impermanance of Ice-cream is a delightful comedy that challenges our narrative of mortality while addressing sustainability and the simple, fleeting pleasures of life. They both make excellent choices for elevated entertainment evenings and intellectual shared experiences.
PrimeTime member can have a 15% discount to enjoy for any showtimes. This will give you the most flexibility with regards to scheduling.
Singapore, 239035