Recap: Sustainability Event - Empowering Women to Drive Change

Sustainability I
Sustainability II
Sustainability III

PrimeTime’s October 2nd Thursday event highlighted sustainability and the critical role women play in addressing climate change. The discussions were rich with insights, covering topics from sustainable finance to individual contributions.


Women's Unique Perspectives in Climate Change

Natasha Garcha, Senior Director at Impact Investment Exchange (IIX), emphasized the unique role women play in combating climate change. Women, often disproportionately affected by climate issues like drought and displacement, offer valuable insights and solutions. The narrative shifted from viewing women as victims to recognizing them as agents of change.


The Orange Movement and Sustainable Finance

Natasha also discussed the Orange Movement, an initiative empowering women through sustainable finance. This movement creates investment opportunities prioritizing gender equality and climate issues. Notably, the first orange bond was issued to support women and sustainable development goals, aiming to mobilize $10 billion and impact 100 million women and girls by 2030.


Sustainability in the Corporate Sector

A panel featuring Elizabeth Kong from Singapore Post, Suzy Goulding from MSL/Publicis Groupe, and Florence Bostyn from ING Bank, moderated by Niharika Gupta from Adidas, explored how companies need to integrate sustainability. They discussed company archetypes, long-term thinking, and the role of leadership in driving sustainable practices. Challenges like measuring scope 3 emissions and cross-supply chain collaboration were also addressed.


Individual Contributions to Sustainability

Elizabeth, Suzy and Florence encouraged individual action, stressing conscious consumption, waste reduction, and making environmentally-friendly choices. They highlighted the collective impact of individual actions and the power of consumers to demand sustainability from companies.


Action Items for a Sustainable Future

  • Champion Sustainability in Companies: Advocate for businesses to adopt and maintain sustainable practices.
  • Collaborate Across Sectors: Work together to address challenges like measuring and reducing scope 3 emissions.
  • Support Initiatives like the Orange Movement: Invest in initiatives that empower women and address the intersection of climate and gender issues.
  • Adopt Conscious Consumption Habits: Reduce waste, reuse containers, and prioritize quality over quantity.
  • Demand Corporate Sustainability: Use your voice as consumers, employees, and stakeholders to push for sustainable practices in companies.


Thank you to all our speakers and participants for making this event a success. Together, we can create a more sustainable and equitable future.